Download the 2K10 EP

click to download this ish!


It's been a while since the last update, a lot has been going on lately.
As you may or may not have known Keith's house just recently burnt down.
But thanks to the caring, he is getting back on his feet day by day.
Big shout out to those who have been helping Keith out, it really means a lot.
Also big shout out to Seventh Dagger, you are too kind.
I would just like to take this time to say that we have two new tracks
and are working on getting where we want to be.
Having everyone on the same page can be difficult at times with a band.
We are all human, and we all have our own wants and needs.
With that said we are working on putting our differences aside and focusing on the music. For shows, we have some dates booked be sure to check that Myspace out.
Also we are planning on a week tour, the dates have been posted on the page.
I would also like to give a quick thanks to those who really support us and what we do.
The support really helps us out a lot, without I personally don't know where we'd be.
Everyone be easy, and be sure to check back for more updates.


Weekend Tour Leftovers!

A Video with some leftover footage from the tour.

Rossi Is Gay!

An in depth view on how gay our van driver Rossi Is Also some footage from the van. We were lucky enough to find a place to spend the night. Yet Rossi refused to sleep inside due to the owner having a small pitbull(it was the nicest dog in the world). So he stood in one spot for 10 minutes making his decision and ended up spending the night in the van. NOTE: it was fucking freezing outside for example there was ice wind.

Sugar City Video and Pics

View the photo album with the pictures here
Click me!

The Weekend Tour!

The Weekend Tour with Vexed was great!
We had a great time in New York, traveled to new places and met some new faces.(Hey look at that I'm a poet and don't know it!) But on a serious note we LOVE New York and really want to make it out that way again in the near future. I'm currently editing the videos and uploading them. I will include a post with all the pictures later on. If you haven't checked out Vexed be sure to do so ( We are recording some new tracks soon, and are currently gonna pick things back up and start writing once again. Expect the new stuff to be a little heavier with a healthy blend of thrash. We are still looking for shows to jump on, it's a new year and we are gonna start it off right! So make sure to contact us if you promote or put on shows. That's all for now check back for Videos and pics!

Thanks again for all the support, keep spreading the word.

Jan 8th Rochester NY

We have a five hour drive and we are stoked on this show. Lots of good bands on the bill as well, if you are around the area come and hang the fuck out! We are looking forward to meeting some new people and playing for a new crowd. See you all there!
Intro Drag Contemplation Rage Fuck Emmure